共20道题 总分:100分
A、They have outnumbered made students.
B、Very few of them are engage
作业 考核 论文 答案 一请联系 微--xhmcz122 Q-210969415
共20道题 总分:100分
A、They have outnumbered made students.
B、Very few of them are engaged in research.
C、They were not awarded degrees until 1948.
D、They were not treated equally until 1881.
A、Because the university is everywhere in the city.
B、Because all the buildings in the city look alike.
C、Because there are no signs to direct them.
D、Because no tour guides are available.
A、They set their own exam.
B、They award their own degrees.
C、They select their own students.
D、They organize their own laboratory work.
A、Buy some food.
B、Book train tickets.
C、Wait for a taxi.
D、Go on a trip.
A、The professor spoke too fast.
B、The professor spoke with a strong accent.
C、The professor’s lecture notes were too complicated.
D、The professor’s presentation was not convincing enough.
A、Anxious and worried.
B、Nervous and confused.
C、Proud and excited.
D、Inspired and confident.
A、It’s much more difficult than people think.
B、It’s believed to be the hardest optional course.
C、It’s too tough for some students.
D、It’s not as hard as expected.
A、The crisis in his family life.
B、The decline in his health.
C、His desire to start his own business.
D、His dream of living in the countryside.
A、He was a gardener.
B、He worked on a farm.
C、He ran a village shop.
D、He worked in an advertising agency.
A、Teenagers tend to be careless.
B、One should always do his job earnestly.
C、One can benefit a lot from working with his father.北语答案请进:
D、Manual laborers shouldn’t be looked down upon.
A、He was seriously wounded in a mine explosion.
B、He was slightly injured in a traffic accident.
C、He was kept in hospital for a long time.
D、He was fined for speeding.
A、At a theatre.
B、At a restaurant.
C、At a booking office.
D、At a railway station.
A、The woman is too busy to join the man for dinner.
B、The man is inviting the woman to dinner.
C、The man is going to visit the Stevensons.
D、The woman is a friend of the Stevensons’.
A、The furniture he bought was very cheap.
B、The furnished apartment was inexpensive.
C、The furniture in the market was on sale every Sunday.
D、The apartment was provided with some old furniture.
A、Be patient and wait.
B、Call to check his scores.
C、Inquire when the test scores are released.
D、Take the GRE test again in 8 weeks.
A、His father cut the leaves himself.
B、His father scolded him severely.
C、His father made him do the cutting again.
D、His father took back the six dollars.
A、It was colorful.
B、It was peaceful.
C、It was stressful.
D、It was boring.
A、She read it slowly.
B、She read it selectively.
C、She finished it at a stretch.
D、She went it over chapter by chapter.
A、Most of them have a long history.
B、They have more books than any other university library.
C、They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.
D、Many of them are specialized libraries.
A、The man doesn’t want to stay at home and take care of their child.
B、The man is sure that he will gain more by taking the job.
C、The man likes a job that enables him to travel.
D、The man is thinking about taking a new job.
共20道题 总分:100分
A、They have outnumbered made students.
B、Very few of them are engaged in research.
C、They were not awarded degrees until 1948.
D、They were not treated equally until 1881.
A、Because the university is everywhere in the city.
B、Because all the buildings in the city look alike.
C、Because there are no signs to direct them.
D、Because no tour guides are available.
A、They set their own exam.
B、They award their own degrees.
C、They select their own students.
D、They organize their own laboratory work.
A、Buy some food.
B、Book train tickets.
C、Wait for a taxi.
D、Go on a trip.
A、The professor spoke too fast.
B、The professor spoke with a strong accent.
C、The professor’s lecture notes were too complicated.
D、The professor’s presentation was not convincing enough.
A、Anxious and worried.
B、Nervous and confused.
C、Proud and excited.
D、Inspired and confident.
A、It’s much more difficult than people think.
B、It’s believed to be the hardest optional course.
C、It’s too tough for some students.
D、It’s not as hard as expected.
A、The crisis in his family life.
B、The decline in his health.
C、His desire to start his own business.
D、His dream of living in the countryside.
A、He was a gardener.
B、He worked on a farm.
C、He ran a village shop.
D、He worked in an advertising agency.
A、Teenagers tend to be careless.
B、One should always do his job earnestly.
C、One can benefit a lot from working with his father.
D、Manual laborers shouldn’t be looked down upon.
A、He was seriously wounded in a mine explosion.
B、He was slightly injured in a traffic accident.
C、He was kept in hospital for a long time.
D、He was fined for speeding.
A、At a theatre.
B、At a restaurant.
C、At a booking office.
D、At a railway station.
A、The woman is too busy to join the man for dinner.
B、The man is inviting the woman to dinner.
C、The man is going to visit the Stevensons.
D、The woman is a friend of the Stevensons’.
A、The furniture he bought was very cheap.
B、The furnished apartment was inexpensive.
C、The furniture in the market was on sale every Sunday.
D、The apartment was provided with some old furniture.
A、Be patient and wait.
B、Call to check his scores.
C、Inquire when the test scores are released.
D、Take the GRE test again in 8 weeks.
A、His father cut the leaves himself.
B、His father scolded him severely.
C、His father made him do the cutting again.
D、His father took back the six dollars.
A、It was colorful.
B、It was peaceful.
C、It was stressful.
D、It was boring.
A、She read it slowly.
B、She read it selectively.
C、She finished it at a stretch.
D、She went it over chapter by chapter.
A、Most of them have a long history.
B、They have more books than any other university library.
C、They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.
D、Many of them are specialized libraries.
A、The man doesn’t want to stay at home and take care of their child.
B、The man is sure that he will gain more by taking the job.
C、The man likes a job that enables him to travel.
D、The man is thinking about taking a new job.
4.报表的数据源可以是( ) A.表或视图 B.表或查询 C.表、查询或视图 D.表或其他报表 答案:A 5.操作对象只能是一个表的关系运算是( ) A.联接和选择 B.联接和投影 C.选择和投影 D.自然连接和选择 答案:C 6.下列叙述中正确的是( ) A.为了建立一个关系,首先要构造数据的逻辑关系 B.表示关系的二维表中各元组的每一个分量还可以分成若干数据项 C.一个关系的属性名表称为关系模式 D.一个关系可以包括多个二维表 答案:A 7.在创建数据库表结构时,为该表中一些字段建立普通索引,其目的是( ) A.改变表中记录的物理顺序 B.为了对表进行实体完整性约束 C.加快数据库表的更新速度 D.加快数据库表的查询速度 答案:D 8.SQL语句中删除视图的命令是( ) A.DROP TABLE B.DROP VIEW C.ERASE TABLE D.ERASE VIEW 答案:B 9.设有两个数据库表,父表和子表之间是一对多的联系,为控制子表和父表的关联,可以设置“参照完整性规则”,为此要求这两个表( ) A.在父表连接字段上建立普通索引,在子表连接字段上建立主索引 B.在父表连接字段上建立主索引,在子表连接字段上建立普通索引 C.在父表连接字段上不需要建立任何索引,在子表连接字段上建立普通索引 D.在父表和子表的连接字段上都要建立主索引 答案:B 10.以下所列各项属于命令按钮事件的是( ) A.Parent B.This C.ThisForm D.Click 答案:D 11.在Visual FoxPro 中以下叙述正确的是( ) A.利用视图可以修改数据 B.利用查询可以修改数据 C.查询和视图具有相同的作用 D.视图可以定义输出去向 答案:A .现代企业制度的核心是()。 A.产权清晰 B.责任明确 C.政企分开 D.管理科学 答案:A 2.()指对企业的微观构造及其相关制度安排所作出的一系列界定、规制与约束的总和,具体表现为企业组织、运营、管理等一系列行为的规范化和制度化。 A.企业制度 B.企业战略 C.企业使命 D.企业远景 答案:A 3.1961年12月,美国著名管理学教授()发表了《管理理论的丛林》一文,对现代管理理论中的各种学派加以了分类和详细说明。 A.享利·普尔 B.麦卡勒姆 C.泰罗 D.哈罗德?孔茨 答案:D 4.被誉为“科学管理之父”的管理学家是 ( ) A.欧文 B.韦伯 C.法约尔 D.泰罗 答案:D 5.系统最基本的特征是()。 A.集合性 B.层次性 C.相关性 D.动态性 答案:A 6.一般认为管理科学是从美国管理学家( )开始出现的。 A.享利·普尔 B.麦卡勒姆 C.泰罗 D.法约尔 答案:C 7.民主管理是一种以( )为中心的管理。 A.事 B.效率 C.民主权利 D.人 答案:D 8.泰罗在管理方面的主要著作是 ( )。 A.《工业管理与一般管理》 B.《科学管理原理》 C.《管理学一般原理》 D.《组织》 答案:B 9.()是由上级主管部门下达的起导向作用的计划。 A.指导性计划 B.指令性计划 C.短期计划 D.长期计划 答案:A 二、多选题 (共 13 道试题,共 26 分) 10.企业决策的类型按决策的重要性分包括()。 A.长期决策 B.战略决策 C.战术决策 D.业务决策 答案:BCD 11.企业文化的功能包括()。 A.导向功能 B.凝聚功能 C.激励功能 D.约束功能 答案:ABCD 12.计划作为一种管理功能,具有如下特点() A.计划具有目的性 B.计划具有普遍性 C.计划具有适应性 D.计划具有经济性 答案:ABCD 12.设有表示学生选课的三张表,学生S(学号,姓名,性别,年龄,身份证号),课程C(课号,课名),选课SC(学号,课号,成绩),则表SC的关键字(键或码)为( ) A.课号,成绩 B.学号,成绩 C.学号,课号 D.学号,姓名,成绩 答案:C 13.MODIFY STRUCTURE命令的功能是( ) A.修改记录值 B.修改表结构 C.修改数据库结构 D.修改数据库或表结构 答案:B 14.在超市营业过程中,每个时段要安排一个班组上岗值班,每个收款口要配备两名收款员配合工作,共同使用一套收款设备为顾客服务,在超市数据库中,实体之间属于一对一关系的是( ) A.“顾客”与“收款口”的关系 B.“收款口”与“收款员”的关系 C.“班组”与“收款口”的关系 D.“收款口”与“设备”的关系 答案:D 15.下面关于类、对象、属性和方法的叙述中,错误的是( ) A.类是对一类相似对象的描述,这些对象具有相同种类的属性和方法 B.属性用于描述对象的状态,方法用于表示对象的行为 C.基于同一个类产生的两个对象可以分别设置自己的属性值 D.通过执行不同对象的同名方法,其结果必然是相同的 答案:D 16.在查询设计器环境中,“查询”菜单下的“查询去向”命令指定了查询结果的输出去向,输出去向不包括( ) A.临时表 B.表 C.文本文件 D.屏幕 答案:C 17.以下关于“查询”的描述正确的是( ) A.查询保存在项目文件中 B.查询保存在数据库文件中 C.查询保存在表文件中 D.查询保存在查询文件中 答案:D郑重声明:本文版权归原作者所有,转载文章仅为传播更多信息之目的,如作者信息标记有误,请第一时间联系我们修改或删除,多谢。